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Gel Caps
organic hemp for daily usage in bottle
organic hemp for pet usage in bottle

How the heck does Hemp work?

Like myself, you’re probably wondering how Hemp works in the body.  I decided to investigate this so I could get a better understanding for us! However, once I dove deep into this investigation, I quickly learned that I wasn’t going to be able to interpret the science easily and not to mention the “big” words that I had no idea or ever heard of before.  As the hunt continued, now to find a “layman’s” version of this explanation, I began to grasp itsy bits of the CBD science jargon that just isn’t my jam.  I read it over several times in hopes of my limited brain absorbtion expanding into understanding it.  I began to get it. Little bit, by little bit, and trust me, not much more than a basic comprehension of how Hemp works in the body. Here’s what i’ve come up with so far:

  1. CBD is natural occurring in our bodily systems when we are born.  It depletes quickly, and is not replenished easily, as it doesn’t naturally reproduce itself in the body. It’s called the ENDOCANNABINOID system; all mammals are born with it. Why do we need to replenish it ourselves-how does it help us? Good question! 
  2. It’s important to reset your Endocannabinoid system because it helps regulate the nervous system and immune system.
  3. “The Endocannabinoid system plays a crucial role in regulating a wide range of bodily functions, helping to maintain balance and harmony within the body. One of its primary functions is to regulate the release of neurotransmitters, which are chemical messengers that transmit signals between nerve cells.” (curiowellness.com)
  4. Other symptoms of Endocannabinoid deficiency are a lowered pain tolerance, along with improper regulation of digestion, mood and sleep. (encorelabs.com)

This is my simple research, please expand your knowledge by researching further!  Here’s a list from forbes.com, of SCIENCE-BACKED benefits of using CBD oil:

  • -chronic pain, stress & fatigue
  • -inflammation and insomnia
  • -depression
  • -anxiety
  • -poor appetite
  • -certain epilepsy conditions
  • -substance misuse disorder
  • -animals/pets


As you continue your own research, please know I’m here to answer any questions you may have.  The products in the picture of this post are all great options to get started on your CBD healing journey.  

Please Note:  People often don’t notice any immediate effects or results.  We have learned that CBD – hemp – takes its time to accumulate in the bodily systems and slowly replenishes as we use it consistently.  Consistency is key.  Pets are different.  It absorbs much quicker into their systems.  Humans, on the other hand, take much longer. For example;  the RELIEVE & REVIVE Glide-on-Stick is chocked full of hemp and other healing compounds.  You may feel immediate relief, however, it may not last long.  This is NORMAL!!! It doesn’t last long – so re-APPLY it.  Over and over.  This way it absorbs into your bodily systems via your skin!  You may not feel the effects but know that your ENDO + CANNABINOID SYSTEMS are being replenished slowly but surely.

If you don’t like the taste of hemp, well, we’ve got you covered!  Our GEL CAPS have zero taste and zero THC.  Imagine the likes of taking a liquid gel pain relief pill like say, ‘ADVIL’.  It’s very similar looking and acting. However, as usual, do your own research; if you are taking heavy medication prescription drugs, there may be interactions or contraindications.